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Project history
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Dissens e.V. is a non-profit NGO with advisory, Education and research services. The association was founded in 1990 and has 18 employees today. The aim of the organisation is to foster Gender democracy, to reduce gender hierarchies on personal und structural levels and to help preventing gender-related Violence. Besides the activities of the Research Department, where “PeerThink” is located, Dissens undertakes Gender-related Youth Education and Social Work as well as Gender Trainings in order to foster the process of Gender Mainstreaming in organisations (in cooperation with experts from different fields).

The research department, founded in 1991, works on projects in four thematic fields:

Masculinities and Violence
Conduction of German Pilot Study “Violence against men” (http://www.gewalt-gegen-maenner.de/)
“Coordination action on human rights violation (CAHRV)” in 6th EU research framework programme (http://www.cahrv.uni-osnabrueck.de)
Daphne Project “Work with Perpetrators” (http://www.work-with-perpetrators.eu/)

Work and Care
“Work changes Gender” in the 5th EU research framework programme
“Fostering caring masculinities (FOCUS)” the gender equality action plan of the EC (http://www.caringmasculinities.org)

Youth and Childhood
scientific monitoring of national pilot project “New paths for boys” (http://www.neue-wege-fuer-jungs.de/)
Leonardo-Project “Gender Loops” on tools, resources and strategies in early childhood education (http://www.genderloops.eu/)

Education, Trainings and Counselling
Partner in Socrates-Project “Dialogue between the genders” (http://www.genderdialogues.org/)
Partner in Socrates-Project “Gender Trainers and Experts (GemTrEx)” (http://www.gemtrex.eu/)

Dissens e.V.
Allee der Kosmonauten 67
D-12681 Berlin-Marzahn
fon +49.30.54 98 75-39
fax +49.30.54 98 75-31