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The Peace Institute is a private non-profit organization aiming at integration of active intervention, academic work, research and expertise, activism, policy engagement and advocacy. Its mission is to influence the development of democratic politics in the widest sense of the word, including an ethics of constant reflection of our own position and activities within these developments. The PI has a status of a civil society non-governmental organization, and acts in favour of co-ordination and joint activities of NGOs in Slovenia and in the EU, including support and new initiatives to strengthen NGOs’ back-up with expertise, dialogue and skills.
The PI’s basic organizational form is project, and projects are grouped within five thematic fields of activities (Politics, Human Rights and Minorities, Media, Gender and Cultural Politics), or appear as part of program and other activities of secondary dissemination (East East: Partnership Beyond Borders, Workers-Punk University, publishing, library etc.). Thematic foci are racism, xenophobia and homophobia (intolerance monitoring); gender, politics and feminist movements; media and civil society; active citizenship; inclusion and exclusion in the EU; media ownership; human rights, migrations and trafficking; minorities and discrimination (Roma, unrecognized ethnic minorities, erased people).

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